
Simple usecase for creating bitmap font.


-compatible bitmap font for
, or else.
You don`t have to download or install anything. Only things you need are TTF(truetype font) file,
or prerendered character images, and your great sense for beautiful game. Enjoy creating!!

Your recipe

Baked here!!


BMFont is widely using in game development.
This page focus on easy making, not supporting whole feature.
If you want more feature, or fix .fnt file correctly,
mail to me or DIY. check format
BMFont can be used in Unity3D.
1. UGUI and bitmap-font-importer
2. NGUI and Font Maker
Cocos Creator supports BMfont natively.
BMfont and cc.Label will help your game to reduce draw calls.
PhaserJS supports BMfont natively.
You can load BitmapFont via loader,
or Phaser Editor
Build BMfont from TTF.
Specify character set and additional styles,
like outline, shadow, gradient fills.
You can get free font from here, or else.
Build BMfont from Character Images.
Somtimes you, or designer in your team,
need to build font from colored and hand-drawn Images,
not vector font. See examples.
Characters you want to extract from font.
just type it.
Specify font size and color.
Larger size makes better image quality.
You can resize in your game later.
Enable and Specify stroke width and color.
This actually makes outline with half-width of specified.
Enable and Specify shadow offset and color and blur.
Stroke doesnt`t make shadow.
Specify the name of your font.
Files you will download will have this name.
.fnt file will reference atlas of this name(.png).
Postprocessing atlas.
Multipling color normally makes image darker.
Postprocessing atlas.
Adding color normally makes image brighter.

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